Instead of each EmailDelivery customer creating custom JavaScript setups for data collection, could you offer an integrated solution that enables a single script to be embedded on a website to automatically gather data from visitors' interactions, such as the details listed below? This unified approach would be a valuable addition to EmailDelivery's existing capabilities! :)
These data points are crucial for refining workflows and creating targeted segments. It would also be advantageous to have a dedicated activity log for each contact, displaying a chronological list of their actions and events (e.g., 2024/12/12 12:00 - Visited Pricing Page; then 12:01 - Entered Pricing Workflow, etc.), along with a dashboard showcasing recent account-level contact activities. Please refer to the examples provided.
• IP address
• IP-based country, state, city, region
• Last activity date/time
• Pages viewed on site by date/time
• Auto-form submission tracking
• firstReferrer, referrer
• firstUTM_source, UTM_source; firstUTM_medium, UTM_medium, firstUTM_term, UTM_term; firstUTM_campaign, UTM_campaign; firstGCLID, GCLID; firstFBCLID, FBCLID
• landingPage
• platform
• browser
• deviceType
• device