At the moment it's too easy for customers to send broadcasts with unsub links that don't work (or that go to demo pages).
It's quite convoluted atm, to know to click 'special links' then unsub, then choose one of 3 options, then choosing that doesn't make any obvious changes. Then you need to select the link again and click the link icon, then trial&error get a working special code.
I think that's it?
Imho this would be better as showing in the template two options:
{{unsubscribe_preferences}} {{unsubscribe_all}}
  1. have a separate account config section to set what those keywords do.
  2. have a broadcast level specific section that clearly lays out the unsub section
  3. block outgoing campaigns, with a descriptive warning, where there's neither one of those codes _and/or_ the config setting for them hasn't been activated/saved.
The options would be a way to design the two pages:
  1. Choose which sections they want to be subscribed to
  2. "Thanks, you're unsubscribed" page
  3. The anchor text to show for each option.
Attaching a screenshot of how a competitor does this.
a. Config level options to mass-update all unsub sections
b. Per-broadcast edits