The big player in automations is as far as I know ActiveCampaign. I love their automation builder. You can build visualy in a canvas and add all kinds of triggers, conditions and workflows.
In EmailDelivery You can set conditions too as far as I know but only within an email, and there are not many condition options.
Would be really nice to add triggers or conditions and workflows in between emails.
That would be a great start.
And then build from that:
Conditions would be:
  • wait
  • if/else
  • split
  • go to
  • goal
  • start an automation
  • end this automation
  • end another automation
  • webhook
Condition options (for inspiration ;)) for "Wait" :
Wait Condition:
  • wait for a specific period of time (minutes/hours/days/weeks/months)
  • wait until specific conditions are met:
Contact Details
Emailaddress: is/is not/contains/does not contain
First name: is/is not/contains/does not contain/blank/not blank/starts with/does not start with
Last name: is/is not/contains/does not contain/blank/not blank/starts with/does not start with
Date created: is/is not/is after/is before/is on or after/is on or before
Contact Last Updated Date: is/is not/is after/is before/is on or after/is on or before
Tag: exists/does not exist/has all of/has at least one of
Contact Lists
Is subscribed to list: Every list/at least one list/all of (select)/at least one of (select)
Is not subscribed to: Every list/at least one list/all of (select)/at least one of (select)
Is unsubscribed from: Every list/at least one list/all of (select)/at least one of (select)
Is unconfirmed from list: Every list/at least one list/all of (select)/at least one of (select)
Is bound (hard) from list:
Has been added to list:
Has never been added to list:
Date subscribed (any list): is/is not/is after/is before/is on or after/is on or before (date)
Date unsubscribed (any list): is/is not/is after/is before/is on or after/is on or before (date)
Time subscribed: is/is not/is after/is before/is on or after/is on or before (time)
Submitted form: (select form)
Did not submit form: (select form)
Has opened: any email/campaign - (select campaign) - In the last/between/ever - Date(s)/week(s)/month(s)
Has not opened: any email/campaign - (select campaign) - In the last/between/ever - Date(s)/week(s)/month(s)
Has been sent: any email/campaign - (select campaign) - In the last/between/ever - Date(s)/week(s)/month(s)
Has not been sent: any email/campaign - (select campaign) - In the last/between/ever - Date(s)/week(s)/month(s)
Has clicked on a link: any email/campaign - (select campaign) - (select link) - in the last/between/ever - Date(s)/week(s)/month(s)
Has not clicked on a link: any email/campaign - (select campaign) - (select link) - in the last/between/ever - Date(s)/week(s)/month(s)
Has shared socially
Has forwarded
Has not forwarded
Has replied
Has not replied
Has achieved goal
Has not achieved goal
Hs skipped goal
Is waiting on goal
Has entered automation (funnel)
Has not entered automation
Has ended automation
Has not ended automation
Currently in automation
Not currently in automation
Site/Event data:
Has visited: URL (exact/contains/starts with/etc.) - (URL) - (ever/1 time,2-5 times, 6-15 times, 16+ times)
Has not visited: URL (exact/contains/starts with/etc.) - (URL)
Visiting device: desktop/mobile/tablet
Was referred from: URL (exact/contains/starts with/etc.) - (URL)
Total page visits: is/isnot/greater than/greater than or equal to/less than/less than or equal to
Total site visits: is/isnot/greater than/greater than or equal to/less than/less than or equal to
Continue automation id conditions are not met with a specific time perion
  • continue after x minutes/hours/days/weeks/months