Is emaildelivery still supported - no response from team?
For everyone looking for a replacement, as I was, I switched to and have been happy. The problem is they don't have a good drag and drop builder - but I went with Postcards by designmodo and it is the way! Beautiful emails. Back up and running!
GM, Has anyone tried MailWizz yet with their own MTA?
Harry Brown
So the ED team has gone dark again. Could you guys PLEASE either open source the software, ask for our help, or kill it so we know where we stand. Zero communication helps no one.
Megan Brame
Harry Brown Agreed. I need to know if it's safe to build new funnels on this or if it's going to end up breaking because no one's behind the wheel.
Sam Frost
Megan Brame I’d love for Ian to respond. I have people who would buy this software today if it was confirmed alive. Many people complaining about the high cost of Klaviyo etc, 2025 could be the year of EmailDelivery!
jason tam
Has anybody received an email reply from November 1 to December 9 2024? Any idea why there is no update from the changelog?
jason tam I haven't received any email response to 4 emails sent over the past 3 weeks.
Not abandonware, we're still here.
Unfortunately emaildelivery is currently a part time project until we can turn it back into a full time software company that can support itself.
We worked on it full-time for quite awhile, but the reality of doing a startup like this caught up to us a few months back.
We're extremely backlogged, it's going to take awhile to get caught up. We have been handling support requests but some have to get deprioritized or we just couldn't get to them yet, it's not a situation where we've just been radio silent.
I love this software, really believe in it, and I want to be able to pursue it full-time again but we're in a rough patch at the moment while we figure out how to make that a reality.
Seeing all of the supportive comments has been greatly appreciated and sorely needed, unfortunately due to some malicious posts being made I needed to disable new comments here for now.
Diogo Castro guys you have an entire community backing you up, all we were asking was for this kind of message and statement to be sent. What do you need to make this a full time project? If money, then propose to people to pay you a support fee, can be annual, for high priority support and product enhancements, but don't just leave us all in the dark. Please do continue the amazing work you have done so far, cheers
Diogo Castro I second this. Here are my suggestions:
- Create a community (Discourse, Discord, etc.) where users can support each other. This will help you offload the lower priority support issues.
- Offer a premium support plan for hands-on support requests and faster response times.
We all love the product and want to support. In the future, please communicate so we can feel confident in the platform going forward.
J Young Honestly, a simple email once per month to give even a simple status update would be nice. Just to know you're alive and working :)
Edito It is an immense relief to read this message. I was simply afraid that there had been a sudden tragedy that interrupted your work entirely. I fully agree with what has been said:
- Creating a community on Discord where users can help each other and ease the burden of ticket management is a great idea. I use Discord for other services and can attest that it truly helps users while reducing the load on developers.
- I completely understand the financial struggle. It's the main issue for companies selling their software as LTD. The lack of recurring revenue is a major challenge with that business model. I love your software so much that I would be totally willing to pay an annual subscription to receive updates. For instance, I pay around $150 annually for Adobe and Microsoft to use their services, and it's the accumulation of all these subscriptions that make those companies very powerful. Do the same! This economic model is sound, and you'll gain many new users. I believe that asking for $999 upfront will make many people hesitate, but charging something like $150 per year for access to the software and updates will feel much less risky to most. And as someone who has already purchased an LTD license, I would be more than happy with lifetime priority support and a substantial discount on the annual subscription in return.
- In any case, there are solutions, but please don’t go silent for weeks like this again. It caused us worry and stress. We aren’t children; we fully understand the economic and financial difficulties. Together, we can find solutions. Your software is amazing, truly! Keep believing in it and involve us in your thought process so you can get back to full-time development as soon as possible!
Sella Yoffe
Adrian I suggest the FluentCommunity plugin on WordPress for building a comuunity.
It's in beta and about to launch soon. It's still an amazing plugin from WPManageNinja, the company behind many wonderful plugins, such as Fluent CRM, Fluent Booking, Fluent Forms, Fluent Support, Fluent Boards, and Ninja Tables.
Guy It's great to hear you are still there. I was genuinely worried that you were okay, as you were a very responsive and active founder during the AppSumo campaign.
But it would have been good to get an update on this so we weren't all panicking.
I agree with the above suggestions:-
- E-mail updates once per month.
- A Discord so users can help each other.
- If you need some revenue, do basic support for what we have paid (get strong help articles, point to community Discord, then only step in to help if someone really needs the help - so not leaving someone completely in the lurch), but premium support for others who pay.
Guy I'm genuinely not sure what you think I was spreading or encouraging - to my memory, I was only suggesting a place people might be able to talk and help each other.
As the post has been locked, I can't see my old comments to know exactly what I wrote. - Canny doesn't let me see anything other than your post now.
Apologies if a comment I wrote came across the wrong way.
Andy Tran I would gladly pay for support to help you guys out. At this moment, I turned off the server because the MTA is behaving strangely. Bunch of activities that I don't recognize. Keep crashing the server. No mail sent yet it acted like it's sending. I ended up on SpamHaus the very same day the server went live. Radio silent killed this project. But now that I see you are around, answer the email and charge us for support. I do love this product and I think it has potential to kill PowerMTA. Please be active again and don't abandon it. It is a great project. Put enough effort into it and one day you will be adopted by corporate as an ESP solution. There's your ticket to success. But keep going on radio silent like this, project will surely die. We are you biggest supporter. We believe you can do this and pull through.
Atyia Martin Welcome back! So glad to that you have is rare that so many people love a product the way the AppSumo community loves This is proof that you have an amazing product. I agree with the recommendations about a support package or other adjustments to the pricing model to make this work. Please let us know how we can help you. As always, sending lots of love, hope, and intentional action.
Harry Brown
Presumably they receive notifications about each message posted here. If they're not responding even now, what other conclusion can we come to other than they've bailed.
Can someone try reaching out to Ian on LinkedIn? (I don't use LI.) Here's the link:
I’m assuming the operational costs for this software are fairly low. This shouldn’t be a financial issue. But I would be willing to pay a nominal fee for premium support (installation troubleshooting, faster responses, etc.) if that would help.
Diogo Castro
Adrian I am open for the same
I thought it was just me. I haven't received any responses to my support queries so I've had to move my clients to a different platform. What a shame it had the potential to be something really great. That's the problem with one time pricing models, they never work out long term. I wish I had the source code. If I did, I would be happy to take it over and continue development.
I've not heard back from them in about 2 months as well. It's a shame, it works well, has some key features left un-developed. That means it's risky for me to spend more time/effort on, from my pov.
Does this actually still work? I was thinking about setting this up, but now see this.
I understand from the AppSumo Q&A at the time that the software should continue to work even if the company shuts down.
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